

Grown in dry lands in warm or temperate climates, the pistachio tree is believed to be indigenous to Iran. The tree has wide-spreading branches but rarely exceeds 9 meters in height. Its small fruits are borne in clusters. The trees are usually dioecious (bearing either male or female flowers) and pollinated largely by wind. Pistachios begin to bear at 4 to 5 years and mature at 8-10 years.

The white fruits are 1.5-2cm long and tend to split at one side without discharging the nut, a greenish kernel enclosed in a thin, tightly adhering, reddish skin. The single, solid kernels have a pleasingly mild resinous flavor. Major exporting countries are Iran, Turkey, Greece, Syria and Italy. Pistachios are an excellent source of the mineral potassium – the muscle mineral – which is essential for healthy heart muscle action and promoting blood circulation. Pistachio nuts are one of the best natural food sources of mineral iron which increases resistance to disease and stressful conditions.

Hamburg is recognized as the main pistachio port in Europe. Together with our customer Omnitrade, located in Hamburg, we are able to supply you raw as well as vacuum-packed roasted and salted pistachios on a tailor-made basis. Besides standard sampling methods of SGS on aflatoxin, we work closely with Dr. Wiertz to facilitate the highest-quality shipments.